
Ski Tours in Setesdal

Setesdal is known for its steep mountainsides, rising straight up from the valley floor and RV 9.

There are many great opportunities for summit tours in Setesdal. Most of these are located near Highway 9 and are relatively easy to access. In Valle and Bykle, several of the mountains are suitable for ski touring. Berg in Valle is the starting point for a trip that can give you a total of 1000 meters in altitude, and at Hovden, you can reach several summit tours in one day.

None of the tours are marked in the terrain, so it requires that you have knowledge of reading maps and, most importantly, being able to read the terrain. You must have knowledge of avalanche danger and be able to assess it based on today's weather and snow conditions. There are no designated parking areas in these areas, so it can be a challenge in some places during peak seasons. We highly recommend taking advantage of guided tours, avalanche courses, or similar. There is a lot to learn to have a good and safe experience, so you often benefit greatly from going with a guide.

Guided summit tour and course

TrollAktiv in Evje

TrollAktiv offer an exciting range of outdoor sports in the lower Setesdal valley. Located north of Evje, one hour from Kristiansand they have activities for all ages. Accommodation is available in teepees, cabins and high standart…

Selected tours in Valle og Bykle



Good planning is half the battle

Before setting out you should gather information about snow and weather conditions. Local tourist information offices, ski schools and ski rentals will help you. For the Hovden area, map sheets describing the various randonnee routes have been prepared, and these are available at the tourist information office.

We also recommend some useful websites: skredkart.ngi.no / varsom.no

Find the perfect line

Think safety when choosing a line down the mountain. Our suggestions are just recommendations. Read the terrain carefully, and consider the current snow and weather conditions. You are responsible for your own safety. Our suggested tours are only indicative. It is important that you carefully read the terrain and choose your route and tracks according to today's conditions. All travel is at your own risk.

Good planning is half the journey

Before embarking on a trip, you should gather information about snow and weather conditions. Local tourist offices, ski schools, and ski rental shops can provide information. For the Hovden area, map sheets with information about the summit tours have been prepared, and you can obtain these from the tourist office.

In addition, it is very important to learn how to use and understand information from varsom.no

  • Remember the mountain safety rules when going hiking in the mountains Even experienced mountaineers have a healthy respect for the moods of the mountain.
  • Plan your trip and let someone know where you are going.
  • Adapt the trip according to your abilities and conditions.
  • Take into account weather and avalanche warnings.
  • Be prepared for bad weather and cold, even on short trips.
  • Bring necessary equipment to help yourself and others.
  • Make safe route choices.
  • Recognize avalanche-prone terrain and uncertain ice.
  • Use a map and compass. Always know where you are.
  • Turn back in time, there is no shame in turning around. Save your strength and seek shelter if necessary.                                                                                                               


 Also, learn the rules for encountering wild reindeer

  • Do not disturb the reindeer, choose another area if it is known that there are reindeer in the area you intended to visit
  • Avoid traveling in reindeer areas during the calving season in May; some places have travel bans.
  • Follow marked trails as much as possible
  • Keep your dog under control
  • Stay still if you see wild reindeer, so it can move away undisturbed
  • Use binoculars and keep your distance